Monday, August 30, 2004

Confirm Your E-Mail Has Been Received

Whenever you send an Email message, you can ask Outlook Express to request a "read receipt" for the message. A read receipt is a confirmation Email message that notifies you that the person to whom you sent your message has received and read the message. Requesting a read receipt allows you to confirm that the message was delivered properly, was opened on the recipient's computer, and what time this took place. Keep in mind that the recipient can choose whether or not to send a read receipt for the message.

Here's the way you do this! When composing a message click "Tools", then click "Request Read Receipt". A check mark will appear beside the Request Read Receipt option on the menu. When the recipient reads the contents of your Email, you may receive a confirmation message indicating the date and time the person read the message. P.S.: If you sent the message to more than one person, you will receive a separate confirmation message from each person who chose to send a confirmation. How cool is that?

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