Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Adding Animated Icons to E-mail

1. First you, need to build up a file of animated GIFs then:

a) copy/paste this address in your browser address window: OR click on the title line of this posting
b) browse through this site, select a GIF that you might want to add to your file.
c) right-click the animation and on the drop-down menu, select "Save Picture as"
d) in next screen select "Desktop" as the place to save it, and then hit "Save"
e) repeat these steps for as many icons you want or need (this can be repeated at a later date to acquire more)
f) close the animated GIF window
g) right-click on an empty space on your desktop. On the drop-down menu, select "New", then select "Folder"
h) right-click "New Folder" and select "Rename" from drop-down menu. Name the folder "Animated GIFs" or whatever you wish.
i) drag each animated gif icon from your desktop to this new folder, giving you a folder-full of animated gifs.

2. To add An animated icon (or more than one) to a new E-Mail

a) write your new e-mail message
b) minimize the message
c) hit the WinKey and D key at the same time, which will bring up your Desktop
d) open your "Animated GIFs" folder
e) select an icon and left-click it
f) when the animated gif appears on your desktop, right-click it and select "Copy" from the drop-down menu
g) close this window and then maximize your e-mail that was minimized on your taskbar
h) place the mouse cursor at a place in message, then hit the "Ctrl" and "V" key.
i) this will insert the animated gif in your message.

Now you can have the most distinctive E-mail in town!

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