First, select the pictures you want to use and set up a special folder with those pictures in it and make a note of where you saved that folder (in what place, on what drive, and so on). You will need this info later.
Next, go to your Desktop, and right-click on the Desktop.
Scroll down to "Properties", click the "Screensaver" tab. Toward the middle of this dialog box there is a drop-down box with the words "Screen Saver". Scroll down that box until you see the "My Pictures Slideshow" and click it. To the right of this drop-down box is a button that says "Settings". Click it.
You should see the words "Use pictures in this folder" and a "Browse" button. Click this button. This is where you look for that file you created earlier with all the digital pictures that you want to use for the screensaver slideshow. After you have found the file folder with with your pictures, click "OK".
You can now adjust how fast you want the pictures to change and so on, Then click "OK" again. This brings you back to the "Display Properties" dialog box and you can see your screensaver pictures. Click "OK" and you're all finished.
(Thanks to: Nedda H. of Palm Harbor, Florida for this tip)
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